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Main Page > REAPER Documentation > Effects In REAPER > Effects




ReaGate is a noise gate plug-in.


Common Controls

Move a fader to set a value or, to set a value precisely, type directly into the input box if it is not "greyed-out". Double Click a fader to return to its default value.

"Fine-tune" a value controlled by a fader by holding the Ctrl key while moving the fader.

  • Drop-down list -
  • + - Patch and Patch/MIDI program change link management, displays a graphic similar to this:


  • Param
  • 2 in 2 out - Routing. The plugin pin connector, displays a graphic similar to this:

ControlsCommon-4.PNG Extra channels can be created by clicking on the +

  • UI - Toggle between default and custom User Interface
  • 100% Wet - The plugin is bypassed when this is checked

Plugin Specific Controls

  • Threshold (Unlabelled fader on left) - The input signal level at which ReaGate changes state.
  • Envelope - the shape of things to come...
    • Pre-open - When processing a recorded audio signal the plugin will "look-ahead" and, if the signal level will meet the Threshold, activate the Attack portion of the Envelope this many milliseconds early.
    • Attack - The speed at which the gate "opens" (changes from letting through 0 to 100% of the signal)
    • Hold - The length of time the gate will stay open after the signal drops below the Threshold
    • Release - The speed at which the gate "closes"
    • Hysteresis - see Hysteresis
  • Detector Input - This is used as a key input for sidechain applications
  • Lowpass filter - A filter, which passes frequencies below this value and filters out frequencies above it.
  • Highpass filter - A filter, which passes frequencies above this value and filters out frequencies below it.
  • RMS size - The window-size for the detection. See: RMS-size
  • Send MIDI on open/close, note, channel - To send MIDI note on and off messages for this note number and on this MIDI channel when the gate opens and closes.
  • Wet - The amount of processed signal in the output.
  • Dry - The amount of unprocessed signal in the output.
  • Noise - The amount of noise in the output signal.
  • Preview filter output - Enable to listen to the detector sidechain

Tips and tricks

ReaGate as Expander

Reagate is a fully functional expander. Just adjust the amount of dry signal to set the range.

Tutorials and links

Main Page > REAPER Documentation > Effects In REAPER > Effects

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