ALR Main S&M Cycling

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S&M Cycle Actions

Section: Main

These actions open the "Cycle Action editor", with which you could add special actions to the Main Section of the Action list.
Executing a CA (Cycle Action) cycles through all determined actions successively. So on button press 1: it runs action A, on button press 2: action B, on button press 3: action C, etc ... After the last action the cycle will begin with action A again.
CA's can consist of at least 2 REAPER stock actions, custom actions or actions of extensions, such as SWS.
CA's could be created out of Main actions, Midi Editor actions or Midi Event List actions.
Examples of usage would be to reduce the number of toolbar buttons for multiple but similar actions or to create custom macros with toggle state indication. Some basic examples are explained below.

Creating a Cycle Action
  1. run one of the actions SWS/S&M: Open Cycle Action editor , SWS/S&M: Open Cycle Action editor (piano roll) or SWS/S&M: Open Cycle Action editor (event list) - The Cycle Action dialog opens and you should see two main areas, on the left all CA's are listed, on the right you see all actions from which a CA consists.
  2. right-click in the left area to add a new action and put in a descriptive name for your new action (this will be displayed in the Action list later).
  3. click the "Show Action list" button in the upper right of the CA editor.
  4. in the Action list, just select an action.
  5. in the Cycle Action editor, right-click in the right area and choose "Add/learn from 'Actions' window" - This will register the action to the cycle and you will see its ID and description.
  6. right-click again and choose "add command" - This will put in an exclamation mark which indicates Reaper that the first part of the cycle is completed (by double-clicking it you could also edit action ID's by hand or add tooltips which change after each cycle point, see additional settings).
  7. repeat steps 4 & 5 if you like to add further actions.

These steps create an CA in the kind of A,B,C,...,A,B,C,...,A,B,C,...

To execute more than one action per cycle point (like A,BCD,E,...,A,BCD,E...,A,BCD,E...) just add more actions between the exclamation marks.
This is what the dialog should look like then:

(Or simply create a macro containing actions BCD and add that macro to the cycle)

Additional settings
  • if the CA should report the toggle state, tick "Toggle" in the left area of the CA editor.

Cyclaction toggle.gif

  • text after the exclamation mark will show as tooltips between the cycle points

Cyclaction tooltip.gif

Simple example (Main View) ( --- maintenance ^^ --- )

Following will create a cycling action that cycles through different track selections: All tracks --> Folder start tracks+Non-folders --> No tracks

Visuals: click here
Import Cycle Action: click here

  1. open the Action list (shortcut: "?")
  2. run action SWS/S&M: Open Cycle Action editor
  3. right-click in the left area of the editor --> Add cycle action and insert name of your new cycle action (will be displayed in Action list)
  4. in Action list select action: "Track: Select all tracks"
  5. right-click in the left area of the CA editor --> Add/learn from 'Actions' window
  6. right-click --> Add command
  7. right-click --> Add/learn from 'Actions' window
  8. select action: "SWS: Select only children of selected folders"
  9. right-click --> Add/learn from 'Actions' window
  10. select action: "SWS: Toggle (invert) track selection"
  11. right-click --> Add/learn from 'Actions' window
  12. right-click --> Add command
  13. select action: "Track: Unselect all tracks"
  14. right-click --> Add/learn from 'Actions' window
  15. click ok

now search your action in the Main Section of the Action list and assign a shortcut/create a button.

Advanced example (Midi Editor) ( --- maintenance ^^ --- )

The following will create a cycling action that toggles between REAPER's Midi Piano Roll Mode and the Drum Map Mode and changes views of notes and events (see screenshot). You will also learn to port the action to the midi piano roll toolbar.

Edit modes.jpg
  1. open the Action list (shortcut: "?")
  2. run action SWS/S&M: Create cycling ME action (piano roll)
  3. first input box: "#Custom: Toggle midi editor modes"
  4. second input box: 40043 (--> Mode: Drum Map)
  5. third: 40448 (--> View: Show events as triangles (drum mode))
  6. fourth: 40454 (--> View: Hide unused and unnamed note rows)
  7. fifth: exclamation mark
  8. sixth: 40042 (--> Mode: Piano Roll)
  9. seventh: 40449 (--> View: Show events as rectangles (normal mode))
  10. eighth: 40452 (--> View: Show all note rows)
  11. click ok

search your action in the Main Section of the Action list. You could now assign this action to a shortcut, create a button on a dedicated floating midi toolbar or do the following, which is kind of a workaround (please vote here) to get Midi Editor actions ported from the Main Section to the Midi Editor Section of the Action list (from there you could create typical Midi Editor toolbar buttons).

  1. install Python 3.1.3
  2. open the Python IDLE or any text editor
  3. follow gofer's excellent instructions

Open Cycle Action editor (Custom cmd ID _S&M_CREATE_CYCLACTION)

Sections: Main

Opens the dialog to create special actions that allow executing multiple actions successively. (Please see above)

Open Cycle Action editor (piano roll) (Custom cmd ID _S&M_CREATE_ME_PIANO_CYCLACTION)

Sections: Main

Opens the dialog to create special actions that allow executing multiple actions successively. (Please see above)

Open Cycle Action editor (event list) (Custom cmd ID _S&M_CREATE_ME_LIST_CYCLACTION)

Sections: Main

Opens the dialog to create special actions that allow executing multiple actions successively. (Please see above)

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