MIDI event insertion actions

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Actions which insert MIDI events

The following actions deal with inserting MIDI events in one of Reaper's MIDI editors.

Note events and CC (other) events

Edit: Paste (CMD ID 40011)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Pastes MIDI events that have previously been cut or copied starting at the edit cursor's time position

Edit: Paste preserving position in measure (Cmd ID 40429)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Pastes MIDI events that have previously been cut or copied. Start time is the first beat of the measure the edit cursor is in, while the events keep their offset to the start of the measure. Say, you copied a note at 5.2 into the clipboard and the edit cursor is somewhere between 6.1.000 and 6.4.999, this action will paste it at 6.2.

Note events only

Edit: Insert note at edit cursor (Cmd ID 40051)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Inserts a note event at the crossing of the vertical edit cursor and the horizontal selected note row => see active position. The length is determined by setting the "Notes:" field at the bottom of the Piano roll editor or optionally by selecting/drawing a note of the desired length. The edit cursor will advance to the end of the note.

Edit: Insert note at mouse cursor (Cmd ID 40001)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Inline Editor

Inserts a note event at the point of the mouse cursor when the mouse is hovering above the note area of the Piano Roll or Inline MIDI editor. Obeys snap, so when snap to grid is enabled, the inserted note is hard quantized to the grid. Mind that the Piano Roll editor has it's own snap option.

Insert note:... (Cmd IDs 40685 to 40704)

Section: MIDI Editor

Inserts a note of the specified length at the crossing of vertical edit cursor and horizontal active position cursor and advances the edit cursor to the end of the new note. A dot "." stands for a dotted note (note is lengthened by half it's duration, eg. a 1/4. note has the length of three 1/8th notes), a "T" stands for a triplet (eg three 1/4T notes fit into a 1/2 note's time).

Step input: Insert note at current... (Cmd IDs 40152 to 40176)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

CC and other events (except notes)

Edit: Set or insert CC event at mouse cursor (Cmd ID 40680)

Section: MIDI Editor

Insert or edit text (lyric) event at first selected note (Cmd ID 40473)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Insert sysex event (Cmd ID 40480)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

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