RPR adjustZoom

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Main Page > REAPER Documentation > ReaScript > ReaScript API, Functions > RPR adjustZoom
Main Page > REAPER Documentation > REAPER API > REAPER API Functions > RPR adjustZoom



void adjustZoom(double amt, int forceset, bool doupd, int centermode)

forceset=0,doupd=true,centermode=-1 for default

This is mostly notes from posts by sws at the moment.

centremode: -1 = mode set in preferences, 0 = edit or play cursor, 1 = edit cursor, 2 = center of view, 3 = mouse cursor.

You should lock the time selection / loop points with the locking system before calling adjust zoom

There's a Reaper config variable "projsellock" that is a bitmask of locking parameters:

1 = Time selection
2 = Items (full)
4 = Envelopes
8 = Markers
16 = Regions
32 = Time signature markers
64 = Items (left/right)
128 = Items (up/down)
256 = Item edges
512 = Item controls
1024 = Loop points
16384 = Locking enabled

For Reaper 3.x, use the new project variable functions:

typedef void ReaProject;
REAPER_PLUGIN_DECLARE_APIFUNCS int (*projectconfig_var_getoffs)(const char* name, int* szout);
REAPER_PLUGIN_DECLARE_APIFUNCS void* (*projectconfig_var_addr)(ReaProject* proj, int idx);

Save the current lock state, do your zooming, then restore the state. Like this:

int szout;
int* pLock = (int*)projectconfig_var_addr(NULL, projectconfig_var_getoffs("projsellock", &szout));
int savedLock = *pLock;
*pLock = 17409;

// Do the ZOOMing bits

*pLock = savedLock;


double amt,
int forceset,
bool doupd,
int centermode





void HorizZoomSelItems()
	HWND hTrackView = GetTrackWnd();
	if (!hTrackView)
	RECT r;
	GetClientRect(hTrackView, &r);
	// Find the coordinates of the first and last selected item
	double x1 = 1.0e300, x2 = -1.0e300;
	for (int i = 1; i <= GetNumTracks(); i++)
		MediaTrack* tr = CSurf_TrackFromID(i, false);
		if (GetTrackVis(tr) & 2)
			for (int j = 0; j < GetTrackNumMediaItems(tr); j++)
				MediaItem* mi = GetTrackMediaItem(tr, j);
				if (*(bool*)GetSetMediaItemInfo(mi, "B_UISEL", NULL))
					double d = *(double*)GetSetMediaItemInfo(mi, "D_POSITION", NULL);
					if (d < x1)
						x1 = d;
					d += *(double*)GetSetMediaItemInfo(mi, "D_LENGTH", NULL);
					if (d > x2)
						x2 = d;
	if (x1 >= 1.0e300)
	adjustZoom(0.94 * r.right / (x2 - x1), 1, false, -1);	SetHorizPos(hTrackView, x1, 0.03);


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# adjustZoom.pl
# syntax:
# void adjustZoom(double amt, int forceset, bool doupd, int centermode)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
my $amt = 20; # 20 -> zoom in, -20 -> zoom out
my $forceset = 0; # = 0 - allow many stages of zoom, >= 1 - zoom to level
my $doupd = 0; # true / false ?
my $centermode = 1; # center zoom to edit cursor
RPR_adjustZoom($amt, $forceset, $doupd, $centermode);


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# adjustZoom.py
# syntax:
# void adjustZoom(double amt, int forceset, bool doupd, int centermode)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
amt = 20; # 20 -> zoom in, -20 -> zoom out
forceset = 0; # = 0 - allow many stages of zoom, >= 1 - zoom to level
doupd = 0; # true / false ?
centermode = 1; # center zoom to edit cursor
RPR_adjustZoom(amt, forceset, doupd, centermode);

See Also

(Section automatically generated, edits may be overwritten.)


Main Page > REAPER Documentation > ReaScript > ReaScript API, Functions > RPR adjustZoom
Main Page > REAPER Documentation > REAPER API > REAPER API Functions > RPR adjustZoom

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