RPR GetUserInputs

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bool GetUserInputs(const char* title, int num_inputs, const char* captions_csv, char* retvals_csv, int max_retval_len)

Displays a dialogue box with the specified number of input boxes and their captions. The uesr can enter values in the input boxes and press either OK or Cancel.

Calling this function is easy, interpreting the returned values is a little more difficult.

It doesn't really return just a boolean (true or false) value based on whether the user pressed OK or Cancel. It actually returns an array, the *first element* of which is boolean, the rest of it is the contents of the parameter list - but the captions_csv element of that returned array is what the user types in the boxes - if OK was pressed.


const char*titleThe title of the dialogue box displayed to the user.
intnum_inputsThe number of input boxes in the dialogue box.
const char*captions_csvCaptions for the input boxes.
char*retvals_csvThe default values for the input boxes
intmax_retval_lenThe overall length of the CSV value returned.


An array or list, the elements of which are:

boolean value1 if user pressed ok, 0 if user pressed cancel
copy of titlefrom the parameter list
copy of num_inputsfrom the parameter list
copy of captions_csvfrom the parameters list
retvals_csvThis is the return value
copy of max_retval_lenfrom the parameters list





# GetUserInput.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant TITLE => "GetUserInputs";
use constant NUM_INPUTS => 2;
use constant CAPTIONS_CSV => "Caption 1,Caption 2";
use constant MAX_RETVAL_LEN => 10;
my $retvals_csv = "one,two";
my @response = RPR_GetUserInputs(TITLE, NUM_INPUTS, CAPTIONS_CSV, $retvals_csv, MAX_RETVAL_LEN);
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("retvals_csv $retvals_csv\n");
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("response @response\n");
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("response[4] $response[4]\n");


# get_user_input_example.py
# define msg alias (custom)
def msg(m):
names = 'in0,in1,in2';
dvalues = '20,21,22';
maxreturnlen = 10;   # 10 as per the example above, but really one more than what you expect to get back
nitems = len(dvalues.split(','));
# call dialog and get result
res = RPR_GetUserInputs('dialogname',nitems,names,dvalues,maxreturnlen);
# we get a tuple
msg('type is: '+type(res).__name__);
# check if res[0] is true ('ok' pressed)
if res[0]:
    # the fourth item holds the input values
    resvalues = res[4].split(',');
    # get length of the new array and output all items
    rvlen = len(resvalues);
    while i<rvlen:
        msg('resvalues['+str(i)+'] = '+resvalues[i]);

See Also


Main Page > REAPER Documentation > ReaScript > ReaScript API, Functions > RPR GetUserInputs
Main Page > REAPER Documentation > REAPER API > REAPER API Functions > RPR GetUserInputs

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