Preferences General

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Main Page > REAPER Documentation > Preferences

Select Options > Preferences (Ctrl+P) > General to access REAPER General Preferences.


General settings
Default render path Enter a path name to set the default directory for Rendered files (e.g. your Master Mix file). If you leave this field blank, the default directory you will be prompted to render files to will be the Project directory.
Undo settings
Maximum undo memory use Enter a value in this field to limit the amount of memory that REAPER will use for Undo memory. The default value is 30 MB. Set this value to 0 if you wish to disable the Undo function.
Create undo points for item/track selection Deselect this check box to prevent REAPER from saving Undo points for Item and Track selection. This option, enabled by default, will create a new Undo point each time you select an Item or a Track.
Create undo points for loop selection Deselect this check box to prevent REAPER from saving Undo points for Loop selection. This option, enabled by default, will create a new Undo point each time you create a Loop selection.
When approaching full memory, keep newest undo states When your undo memory usage starts approaching the limit set above, REAPER must lose old undo points. If this box is enabled, REAPER will discard the oldest undo points first. If this option is disabled, undo points from in between are removed, so that you can still go all the way back to opening your project (losing intermediate steps along the way).
Save undo history with project files (.RPP-UNDO file) Saves undo history in a file.
Allow load of undo history Loads the undo history from disk when opening a project.
Store multiple redo paths when possible (can use a lot of RAM) Gives you more options when working your way back through updates; useful but does use a lot of memory.
Recent Project List
Maximum Projects in recent project list/Clear List Here you can enter the number of projects displayed in the "recent project list"

Recent projects list.png

and you can also clear that list if you desire.

Startup Settings
Load last project on startup Self Explanatory -- the last project you worked on before you closed will open upon REAPER's re-initialization.
Automatically check for new versions of REAPER Deselect this option to prevent REAPER checking for new program updates once per day via the Internet.
Show splash screen on startup This shows the below splash screen (or the one you choose) when the program initializes, but the program starts up so quickly it can be hard to catch:


Advanced UI/System tweaks Some user interface and system settings, these should be used with caution.

Click here for more info

Advanced UI/System tweaks

Main Page > REAPER Documentation > Preferences

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