MIDI event muting actions

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Actions that prevent MIDI events from being sent

Edit: Mute events (Cmd ID 40057)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Mutes all selected events. These messages will not be sent when the playback cursor crosses them or when scrubbing.

Edit: Unmute events (Cmd ID 40058)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Takes back the muting of selected events. these events will sound again. Called slightly different in the inline editor section (Edit: Un-mute events), but is the same action.

Edit: Mute events (toggle) (Cmd ID 40055)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Toggles the mute state of selected events. Selected muted events get unmuted, audible events get muted.

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