MIDI editor actions to change the timeline loop

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Actions that change the loop selection in the timeline ruler from within the MIDI editors.

If Main menu -> Options: "Loop points linked to time selection" is enabled, the time selection will follow these actions as well.

Related actions in the main section: Go to start of loop, Go to end of loop, Loop points: Set start point, Loop points: Set end point, Loop points: Double loop length, Loop points: Halve loop length, Set loop points to item, Loop points: Remove loop points, Loop points: Remove loop point selection, Options: Set loop points linked to time selection, Options: Toggle loop points linked to time selection, Options: Unset loop points linked to time selection, Locking: Set loop points locking mode, Locking: Clear loop points locking mode, Locking: Toggle loop points locking mode

Loop points: Set start point (Cmd ID 40436)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Sets the left loop point (start point) in the ruler. Mind that you can't have the start point after the end point. In that case the start point is set, but the end point will be set to the same timestamp, so there will be no looped section.

Loop points: Set end point (Cmd ID 40437)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Sets the right loop point (end point) in the ruler. Mind that you can't have the end point before the end point. In that case the end point is set, but the start point will be set to the same timestamp, so there will be no looped section.

Loop points: Double loop length (Cmd ID 40442)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Doubles the length of the looped section. The start point stays fixed, the end point moves rightward.

Loop points: Halve loop length (Cmd ID 40441)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Halves the length of the looped section. The start point stays fixed, the end point moves leftward.

Time selection: Remove time selection and loop point selection (Cmd ID 40467)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Removes both loop selection and time selection.

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