JS: IX/MIDI Wobulator

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LFO Controlled MIDI Pitch Wheel Generator. It wobulates your notes.


  • MIDI Channel - Channel to send controller data on.
  • Max Bend - Percentage of pitch wheel travel.
  • LFO Frequency - LFO rate. Effect depends on the selected Units.
  • LFO Units - Unit for LFO rate calculation.
  • Updates Per Beat - How many time per beat to send pitch wheel data.
  • On/Off - On/Off switch. Not quite the same thing as bypass.


Use the On/Off switch rather than bypassing the effect. Turning it off centres the pitch wheel. Turning it on resets the effect so you can sync the LFO to your song by automating the switch.
Don't forget that you can type values into the LFO Frequency control.
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