JS: IX/MIDI Velocifier II

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Pattern Based MIDI Velocity Modifier. This effect listens to the input channel and adjusts the velocity of some of the notes. Which notes get adjusted is controlled by a sequence file which should be located in the folder '/Data/ix_sequences/'. See below for details of how to create your own sequences.

Note that the sequence works by counting notes, so it will only work as an actual pattern on sequential notes. If four notes are played at once, the sequence will hear four notes and advance four steps.


  • Input Channel - Which channel to work on
  • Note Min - Note range minimum. Notes lower than this will not be affected.
  • Note Max - Note range maximum. Notes higher than this will not be affected.
  • Value - The centre velocity value for modified notes.
  • Variation - Random velocity variation (percentage of centre value)
  • Sequence File - The file containing the sequence information.
  • On/Off - On/Off switch. Not quite the same thing as bypass.


The On/Off switch resets the sequence counter. You can automate it to force the sequence to start at a specific point in your track.

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