JS: IX/MIDI Variant

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MIDI Pattern Variation Effect. This effect listens to the input channel and replaces some of the notes with random(ish) notes. Which notes get replaced is controlled by a sequence file and what they get replaced with is controlled by a scale file. Some common scales and simple sequences are included but it's very simple to create your own. See below for details on scale/sequence files. Scale and sequence files should be located in the folders 'ix_scales' and 'ix_sequences' within the REAPER 'Data' folder.
Put simply, this effect counts notes and checks against the sequence file whether each note should be passed or modified. If a note is to be modified then a random note within the defined scale is substituted. Note that if you play a chord of four notes, the sequence counter will see four notes and advance four steps.
This effect doesn't really care what scale values you give it (unlike KeySnap which is very fussy.) Any number of offset values from -127 to 127 is fine. Output values exceeding the MIDI note range will be clamped accordingly.


  • Input Channel - Channel to work on.
  • Note Min - Note range minimum. Notes lower than this will not be affected.
  • Note Max - Note range maximum. Notes higher than this will not be affected.
  • Root Note - Root note to base the scale on.
  • Scale File - File containing the scale information.
  • Low Octave - Lowest octave for generated notes.
  • High Octave - Highest octave for generated notes.
  • Sequence File - File containing the sequence information.
  • On/Off - On/Off switch. Not quite the same thing as bypass.


The On/Off switch resets the sequence counter. You can automate it to force the sequence to start at a specific point in your track.
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