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MIDI Note Modification effect. Listens for note events fitting note/velocity rules on the input channel. If it hears one then these things happen in this order:
  1. Depending on the 'Input Velocity Mode' setting, velocity may be clamped to the specified range.
  2. Velocity is multiplied by the scaling percentage.
  3. A random amount (+/- n% of velocity at this point) is added to the velocity.
  4. Velocity is clamped to the 'Output Velocity' range.
  5. Note is transposed by n semitones.
  6. A random (+/- n% of travel) pitch wheel message is sent to the output channel.
  7. Modified note/velocity information is output on the selected output channel.
MIDI_Tool II has two ways of dealing with notes which fall outside of the selected velocity range. Clamp To Range will set any values below/above the specified range to the minimum/maximum specified velocity. Ignore Outside Range will allow notes with velocities outside the specified range to pass unchanged.
Non-note events, note events not on the selected channel, or note events outside the note/velocity range should pass through the effect unchanged. The 'Pitch Reset' control specifies whether to centre the pitch-wheel when the effect recieves a note that will not be processed. You may wish to disable it to avoid cancelling existing pitch-wheel data.


  • Input Channel - Channel to monitor.
  • Note Min - Note range minimum. Notes lower than this will not be affected.
  • Note Max - Note range maximum. Notes higher than this will not be affected.
  • Input Velocity Min - See above.
  • Input Velocity Max - See above.
  • Input Velocity Mode - Sets input velocity behaviour. See above.
  • Velocity Scaling - Multiplies the velocities by the specified percentage.
  • Random Velocity - Random velocity percentage.
  • Output Velocity Min - Minimum velocity value for outgoing notes.
  • Output Velocity Max - Maximum velocity value for outgoing notes.
  • Transpose - Transpose affected notes by n semitones.
  • Random Pitch - Random pitch wheel adjustment.
  • Pitch Reset - Reset pitch wheel for un-processed notes.
  • Output Channel - Send affected notes and generated pitch wheel data to this channel.
  • Controller Routing - Send non-note messages to the source, destination or both

Warning: Changing the range or transpose controls while midi data is passing through this effect may cause hanging notes.

Note: It seems that most VSTi's that do not allow you to specify an input channel will respond to events on ANY channel. This can be quite confusing/annoying.

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