EzFreeze pl

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# Freeze.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant MSG_BOX_OK => 0;
use constant MSG_BOX_YES_NO => 4;
use constant MSG_BOX_YES => 6;
use constant MSG_BOX_NO => 7;
use constant CMD_RNDR_TO_STEREO_STEMS => 40788;
use constant DEBUG => 1; # set to zero to turn off console messages
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Initialising\n") if DEBUG;
my $title = 'Freeze Track(s)';
my $msg = "This will \"Freeze\" currently selected tracks by rendering " .
    "them to stem tracks, inserting those stem tracks in the project and " .
    "muting the original tracks to save processing power.\n ";
my $msg_1 = $msg . "Do you want to Freeze the selected tracks?";
my $msg_2 = $msg . "You don't have any tracks selected at the moment. " .
    "select one or more tracks and try again.\n";
my $return_value = 0;
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Counting selected tracks\n") if DEBUG;
    RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("No tracks selected, telling user and exiting\n") if DEBUG;
    $return_value = RPR_ShowMessageBox($msg_2,$title,MSG_BOX_OK);
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("At least one track selected\n") if DEBUG;
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Calling RPR_ShowMessageBox()\n") if DEBUG;
# Check to make sure we really want to do this.
$return_value = RPR_ShowMessageBox($msg_1,$title,MSG_BOX_YES_NO);
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Dialogue Box returns...\n") if DEBUG;
if($return_value == MSG_BOX_YES){
    RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Dialogue Box returns: YES, rendering\n") if DEBUG;
    RPR_Main_OnCommand(CMD_RNDR_TO_STEREO_STEMS, 0);
    RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Rendering done\n") if DEBUG;
} elsif($return_value == MSG_BOX_NO) {
    RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Dialogue Box returns: NO, exiting\n") if DEBUG;
} else{
    RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("Unexpected return value from Dialogue Box: $return_value\n") if DEBUG;

This one does a little more and uses some of the techniques found in much longer scripts, constants, debugging output etc. It's recognisably a Perl script and even does a little error checking.

Notice that the calls to the REAPER API functions all start with RPR_

Also - Note that while this is valid Perl

$return_value = RPR_ShowMessageBox(

It won't work under REAPER at the moment, all calls to the REAPER API have to be on a single line, like this.

$return_value = RPR_ShowMessageBox($msg_1,$title,MSG_BOX_YES_NO);

This might well change in a future release.

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