Automation modes

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Transport automation off.PNG Trim/Read - Envelopes are applied but controls do not move.

Transport automation read.PNG Read - Applies envelopes but doesn’t record any changes you make to them. Controls move.

Transport automation latch.PNGLatch - Records changes you make to settings and creates new points on track envelopes. Begins making changes when you first adjust a setting, and continues to record new settings until playback stops. So once you move a control, it becomes the same as "write".

Transport automation touch.PNGTouch - Similar to Latch, but stops writing new envelope points when you stop adjusting them. Touch only updates automation when the fader is being touched

Transport automation write.pngWrite - Like Latch, but records current settings as edit points as soon as playback starts, without waiting for a setting to change. Overwrite, in essence. Overwrites automation, before/during/after any movement of the faders/etc...

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