MIDI editor transport actions

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Actions to manage the MIDI editor's transport controls

Options: Synchronize transport with main transport (Cmd ID 40039)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Toggles the option "Sync editor transport to project transport" you find in the MIDI editor's Options menu.
If disabled, only the MIDI data of the current item in this editor will be audible when you use the MIDI editor's transport controls.

If it is enabled, the whole project will sound.

Transport: Play (Cmd ID 1140)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Starts playback at the edit cursor position.

Transport: Play/stop (Cmd ID 40016)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Toggles between Transport: Play and Transport: Stop. Playback starts at the edit cursor position. The edit cursor is not moved on stop.

Transport: Play/pause (Cmd ID 40017)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List Toggles between Transport: Play and Transport: Pause. Playback starts at the edit cursor position. The edit cursor is moved to the timestamp where you triggered "pause".

Transport: Stop (Cmd ID 1142)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Stops playback from running. The edit cursor is not moved.

Transport: Pause (Cmd ID 1141)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Pauses playback. The edit cursor is moved to the current timestamp.

Transport: Toggle repeat (Cmd ID 1139)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Toggles whether playback is repeating between the start and end point of a timeline loop.

Related actions: MIDI editor actions to change the timeline loop

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