Actually it isn t really that funny But Even 6

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Often when you are instant messaging your buddy you may wish here were more funny emoticons to use in order to liven awake your chat. You may preserve the laughs moving when you make your own funny emoticons to employ with Windows Live Messenger.

Trouble: Tolerably Simple


Gif image (animated or static) Windows Live Messenger

Make Additional Emoticons to MSN

1 Create emoticons to Microsoft Windows Live Messenger effortlessly. The newest version has any way to add emoticons created right within.

2 Download any funny image that you want to use for one emoticon. Any image will accomplish but bear in mind never to violate anyone's copyright. Perhaps you already have your own graphics on your PC that you need to utilize. You could also create images on any talent system such as Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop.

4 Employ exclusive animated gif file if you wish, but it must be smaller besides 150 KB. Exclusive animated gif file will come to be an animated emoticon. Some static gif will remain a static emoticon.

5 Open Windows Live Messenger on your computer also hint with. Click the "Tools" menu then choose "My Emoticons." A window will open up by way of all of your emoticons displayed. Click the "Create" button.

6 Locate the image you desire to use on your computer. Create some keyboard shortcut that you can easily type. Make it along with symbols or brackets so you don't incidentally type it during your conversation. To example, you might use [funface] or haha as a shortcut. Windows Messenger allows up to 7 characters.

7 Click "Ok" and you are done! You now know how to generate funny emoticons that you can add to Windows Live Messenger.

Invent Other Emoticons

1 Learn how to make your own graphics so you may create hundreds of funny emoticons whenever you have the time. Require a category at a community university , purchase a book or even follow an Web tutorial for the graphics software you use.

2 Sketch your own funny faces on paper also scan them into your computer. This is extra way to use your own original artwork to express your sense of humor Internet.

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