MIDI note velocity and CC value editing actions

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Revision as of 23:35, 16 August 2010 by Gofer (Talk | contribs)
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Actions which change note velocity and/or values of CC and other MIDI events.

Edit: Note velocity +01 (Cmd ID 40462)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Raises the selected note's velocities by one notch on a scale of 1 to 127.

Edit: Note velocity +10 (Cmd ID 40463)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Raises the selected note's velocities by ten on a scale of 1 to 127.

Edit: Note velocity -01 (Cmd ID 40464)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Lowers the selected note's velocities by one notch a scale of 1 to 127.

Edit: Note velocity -10 (Cmd ID 40465)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Lowers the selected note's velocities by ten on a scale of 1 to 127.

Edit: Increase value a little bit for CC events (Cmd ID 40676)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Raises the selected CC event's value by one notch on a scale of 0 to 127. (Pitch will raise 16 steps on a scale of 0 to 16383). Doesn't work on Note On (velocity), Program, Bank select and obviously not on SysEx and Text events.

Edit: Decrease value a little bit for CC events (Cmd ID 40677)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Lowerss the selected CC event's value by one notch on a scale of 0 to 127. (Pitch will raise 16 steps on a scale of 0 to 16383). Doesn't work on Note On (velocity), Program, Bank select and obviously not on SysEx and Text events.

Edit: Adjust value for events (mousewheel/MIDI controller only) (Cmd ID 999)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Adjusts the value of the selected events according to the movement of the assigned mousewheel+modifier combination or an assigned endless rotary knob on a MIDI control surface.
For selected notes this will be velocity, for selected CC events it will change their value. Doesn't work obviously on SysEx and Text events, but can scroll through MIDI Programs when used on Program change events. Don't use it with the combined Bank/Program select message, as it changes the value of all three (Bank select MSB, Bank select LSB and Program change) events contained in that message (v3.66).

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