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Revision as of 10:14, 18 February 2006 by Christophe (Talk | contribs)
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What OS does Reaper support?

Reaper has been tested successfully on Windows XP. It should run fine on Windows 2000 and maybe runs under Windows 98/ME.

Some people have reported to successfully run Reaper on Linux using WINE.


My playback is stuttering, how do I fix that?

There are a few things that can help smoother playback in Reaper:

  • Defragment your hard drives.
  • Switch to ASIO output (In Options -> Preferences -> Audio -> Device). If your soundcard doesn't support ASIO, try installing and using ASIO4ALL.
  • Change the track buffering options (In Options -> Preferences -> Audio). Try incrementing the number of threads, buffers and buffering.
  • If none of this helps, then there might be an effect processing that takes all the CPU power. The amount of CPU used by the effects is displayed in the Effects dialog box per track.
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