MIDI editor timebase actions

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Altering the MIDI editor's timebase with actions

These actions change how the timeline ruler numbering is counted and how the grid lines and measures are spaced when tempo changes occur in the project. They are the action-version of setting the "View" dropdown box in the MIDI piano roll editor.

Timebase: Beats (project) (Cmd ID 40459)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

The default view. If your MIDI item starts at 2.3.00 (third beat of measure 2) in the project, numbering for this item in the piano roll's timeline will start at 2.3 and the event list editor will display the position of events referring to the projects timeline.

Timebase: Beats (source) (Cmd ID 40470)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

The numbering for this item in the piano roll's timeline will always start with "1" at the item's start and the event list editor will display the position of events referring to the item's start.

Timebase: Time (project) (Cmd ID 40460)

Sections: MIDI Editor

Same as "Timebase: Beats (project)", but the grid spacing will alter to reflect tempo changes that occur during this item in the project.

Timebase: Sync to arrange view (Cmd ID 40461)

Sections: MIDI Editor

Synchronizes the MIDI piano roll with the main timeline, so their timing is always lined up vertically. Horizontal zoom and scroll in either will affect both to keep the alignment. Helpful when the task is aligning MIDI events to audio material or vice versa.

Timebase: Toggle sync to arrange view (Cmd ID 40640)

Sections: MIDI Editor

Toggles between "Project beats" and "Project sync".

As of v3.66 this action doesn't update the readout of the "View" box in the piano roll window properly.

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