RPR GetUserFileNameForRead

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An array or list, the elements of which are:
An array or list, the elements of which are:
|boolean value||1 if user pressed ok, 0 if user pressed cancel
|boolean||result||1 if user pressed ok, 0 if user pressed cancel
|char*||filename||The default filename displayed by the dialogue box to the user.
|char*||filename||The filename chosen by the user.
|const char*||title||The title of the Windows dialogue box, this can be ignored.
|const char*||title||The title of the Windows dialogue box, this can be ignored.

Revision as of 14:50, 25 January 2010

Main Page > REAPER Documentation > ReaScript > ReaScript API, Functions > RPR GetUserFileNameForRead
Main Page > REAPER Documentation > REAPER API > REAPER API Functions > RPR GetUserFileNameForRead



bool GetUserFileNameForRead(char* filename, const char* title, const char* defext)


char*filenameThe default filename displayed by the dialogue box to the user.
const char*titleThe title of the Windows dialogue box.
const char*defextThe default file extension for the Windows dialogue box.


An array or list, the elements of which are:

booleanresult1 if user pressed ok, 0 if user pressed cancel
char*filenameThe filename chosen by the user.
const char*titleThe title of the Windows dialogue box, this can be ignored.
const char*defextThe default file extension for the Windows dialogue box, this can be ignored.




# GetUserInput.pl

use strict;
use warnings;

use constant TITLE => "GetUserInputs";
use constant NUM_INPUTS => 2;
use constant CAPTIONS_CSV => "Caption 1,Caption 2";
use constant MAX_RETVAL_LEN => 10;

my $retvals_csv = "one,two";

my @response = RPR_GetUserInputs(TITLE, NUM_INPUTS, CAPTIONS_CSV, $retvals_csv, MAX_RETVAL_LEN);

RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("retvals_csv $retvals_csv\n");
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("response @response\n");
RPR_ShowConsoleMsg("response[4] $response[4]\n");


# get_user_input_example.py
# define msg alias (custom)
def msg(m):
names = 'in0,in1,in2';
dvalues = '20,21,22';
maxreturnlen = 10;   # 10 as per the example above, but really one more than what you expect to get back
nitems = len(dvalues.split(','));
# call dialog and get result
res = RPR_GetUserInputs('dialogname',nitems,names,dvalues,maxreturnlen);
# we get a tuple
msg('type is: '+type(res).__name__);
# check if res[0] is true ('ok' pressed)
if res[0]:
    # the fourth item holds the input values
    resvalues = res[4].split(',');
    # get length of the new array and output all items
    rvlen = len(resvalues);
    while i<rvlen:
        msg('resvalues['+str(i)+'] = '+resvalues[i]);

See Also


Main Page > REAPER Documentation > ReaScript > ReaScript API, Functions > RPR GetUserFileNameForRead
Main Page > REAPER Documentation > REAPER API > REAPER API Functions > RPR GetUserFileNameForRead

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