MIDI Lyric event editing actions

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Actions to handle MIDI Lyric meta events

Although all kinds of different text meta events are shown in a single "Text Event" lane in REAPER's piano roll view, there are some actions that especially deal with the lyric event type. These actions will not affect any text event of any type other than "Lyrics" or any other MIDI event at all.

Related action:Insert or edit text (lyric) event at first selected note

Import lyrics for selected notes from file (Cmd ID 40503)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Opens a dialog to load a *.txt file with the lyrics of your song. Each word creates a new lyric event which automatically aligns to the next selected note.
The above sentence would be formatted as follows and align to 26 selected notes:

Each word cre- ates a new ly- ric e- vent which au- to- ma- tic- al- ly a- ligns to the next se- lec- ted note.

Align lyric events with notes (Cmd ID 40474)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Aligns selected lyric events each to the nearest note event.

Select next lyric event (Cmd ID 40634)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Selects the next lyric event. Only works if a lyric event is selected in the first place.

Select previous lyric event (Cmd ID 40635)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Selects the previous lyric event. Only works if a lyric event is selected in the first place.

Shift lyric events forward one note (Cmd ID 40475)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Aligns the lyric event to the following note.

Shift lyric events backward one note (Cmd ID 40476)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List

Aligns the lyric event to the previous note.

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