MIDI Note length editing

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MIDI Note length editing

These actions change the length of MIDI notes.

Edit: Lengthen notes one pixel (Cmd ID 40444)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Inline Editor

This action moves the end of selected notes to the right by a pixel of your screen resolution, the note gets a bit longer.
Mind that this action is zoom dependent. If you are zoomed in, one pixel is a shorter time than if you are zoomed further out.

Edit: Shorten notes one pixel (Cmd ID 40445)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Inline Editor

This action moves the end of selected notes to the left by a pixel of your screen resolution, the note gets a bit shorter.
Mind that this action is zoom dependent. If you are zoomed in, one pixel is a shorter time than if you are zoomed further out.

Edit: Lengthen notes one grid unit (Cmd ID 40446)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

This action moves the end of selected notes to the right by the current grid division unit, the note gets a bit longer.
In the inline editor and the event list the grid of the MIDI piano roll editor is used, even though you don't see that grid in those editors.

Edit: Shorten notes one grid unit (Cmd ID 40447)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

This action moves the end of selected notes to the left by the current grid division unit, the note gets a bit shorter.
In the inline editor and the event list the grid of the MIDI piano roll editor is used, even though you don't see that grid in those editors.

Edit: Set note length to grid size (Cmd ID 40633)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

This action changes the lengths of selected notes to exactly one current grid division unit.
In the inline editor and the event list the grid of the MIDI piano roll editor is used, even though you don't see that grid in those editors.

Set note ends to start of next note (Cmd ID 40405)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

This action sets the end of each selected note to be at the start time of the next selected note. Could be called "legato".
Mind that you have to have at least two notes selected to have this action do anything.

Edit: Join notes (Cmd ID 40456)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

This action glues selected notes of the same pitch to one long note.

Correct overlapping notes (Cmd ID 40659)

Sections: MIDI Editor, MIDI Event List, MIDI Inline Editor

Triggers REAPER's MIDI note overlap correction routine, in case you have to correct an imported MIDI file with overlapping notes or have Menu -> Options: "Automatically correct overlapping notes while editing" disabled.
If two notes of the same pitch overlap, so that the end of the first note is after the start of the second note, this can lead to notes stop sounding at an unexpected time. This action will shorten the first note to remove the overlapping portion for all events in the MIDI item (disregarding selection).

Related actions: Options: Correct overlapping notes while editing (Cmd ID 40681)

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